October 10, 2006 - 15:47 AMT
Romania Intends to Promote Positive Climate for Karabakh Talks
"I believe that the Minsk process for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict needs an input both from the international organizations as well as the regional actors," Romanian President Traian Bãsescu said. In his words, Romania wishes to bring its contribution to provide for a positive climate for the continuation of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Romania is not a directly involved partner, but as an OSCE member state it follows closely the developments linked to the Prague process, from the perspective of its expanded regional interests. The conflict has multiple facets and the solution will have the same characteristics. We are ready, together with the international organizations' expertise, to share, in our turn, the experience gained in the field of insuring national minorities rights, when the time will come," Traian Bãsescu, reports Trend.