October 10, 2006 - 17:18 AMT
Rehn: Adoption of Armenian Genocide Bill in France Will Damage EU-Ankara Dialogue
European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn warned on Monday of the dangers of the French Parliament passing a bill on the Armenian Genocide, calling on France to act responsibly and seriously. Speaking to reporters, Rehn said, "I'm calling on French deputies to consider the consequences of approval of the bill. Our aim is to solve the problem through serious debate. I believe French parliamentarians will act responsibly." Rehn stated that the bill in question is the problem of France and French parliamentarians, warning that its possible approval would also have major consequences in Turkish-European Union relations and stressing that such a move would damage Ankara's dialogue with the Union instead of enhancing it. Touching on his latest contacts in Ankara, the enlargement chief also said, "Turks think that France, urging Turkey to take steps in freedom of expression, is itself taking a step to limit that freedom." "I'm in favor of an open dialogue with Turkey," Rehn added, reports the New Anatolian.