October 18, 2006 - 14:19 AMT
NATO PA Prepares Report on South Caucasus
UN and NATO peacekeepers may be deployed in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region after conclusion of a peaceful agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, head of the delegation of the NATO PA defense planning subcommittee Vahid Erdem said. In his words, the purpose of his visit to Azerbaijan is to meet with the leadership, representatives of NGOs and media and to get familiarized with the current situation on the way of integration into the NATO. His conclusions will be presented in his resulting report titled "Role of NATO in the South Caucasus". He also remarked that the committee will meet in Canada in the near future to discuss the report. As for possible deployment of peacekeeping forces in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone, Erdem considers that peacekeepers may be deployed in the region after Armenia and Azerbaijan seal peace, reports Azeri Press.