September 10, 2015 - 10:48 AMT
iPhone 6S feature to fill Facebook feed with animated pics of friends

Prepare yourself - you're Facebook feed is about to become overloaded by GIFs... Ok, not GIFs exactly, but 'Live Photos' - Apple's attempt at reinventing the photo-based moving image, Digital Spy said.

"Debuted as a new iPhone 6S feature, Live Photos let you capture a standard, 12-megapixel image, with 1.5 seconds of content automatically being pulled in either side of the still.

Displaying as a standard image in your gallery, these stills come to life when clicked on. Sounds equal parts amazing and irritating, right?

Well, it would appear that the folks over at Apple and Facebook have deemed it the next Facebook-filling irritant.

Coming aboard the iPhone 6S when the handset goes on sale on September 25, Live Photos will gain Facebook support "later this year".

There will be no escaping it. It's the new GIF, Vine and auto load video rolled into one.

All those baby photos and wedding pics are about to get sooo much more annoying," Digital Spy said.

Photo: Reuters