September 15, 2015 - 10:52 AMT
Flickr has major plans for virtual reality section

Virtual reality looks set to really take off early next year when headsets like the Oculus Rift are readily available - and Flickr is gearing up to capitalise on the craze, according to Digital Spy.

The photo network is encouraging users to post 360-degree panoramic pictures that headset owners can step right into.

It won't be possible to literally step into the photos, of course, but Oculus Rift wearers will be able to move their head to look around the image and skip to the next picture by looking down for two seconds.

Flickr's plan is to eventually house these 360-degree panoramas in a dedicated section that users can jump to with a single click.

Bertrand Fan, an engineer with the company, told Engadget that Flickr is expecting a "burgeoning community" to build up around virtual reality.

Last week, Kelloggs emerged as an unlikely supporter of virtual reality when the cereal maker began selling Nutri-Grain boxes that fold into cardboard VR headsets.

Photo: Mashable