October 24, 2006 - 18:43 AMT
Turkish People Do Not Believe in Friendship of Neighbors
Most Turks do not believe in friendship of neighboring countries, indicate the outcomes of a sociological survey held in 32 out of 81 Turkish provinces, the Milliyet reports. "The survey has shown that Turkish people do not believe in friendship of their neighbors. Most Turks are convinced that European countries are not friends for Turkey," Milliyet writes. Turks do not trust US and Greece most - 78.5% and 78.1% of respondents respectively. These are followed by France, to which 76.1% of Turks mistrust. At that sociologists highlight that the survey was conducted before adoption of the bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the National Assembly of France on October 12. Right after it Turkish officials criticized France and the Union of consumers launched boycott of French goods.

Russia is also among countries, which Turks do not trust. 64.8% of respondents do not trust it, while only 8.7% call it "friendly," reports the Milliyet. Turks have most sympathies towards Azerbaijan - 71.4%.