October 28, 2006 - 16:30 AMT
Isagulyan: Serge Sargsyan Most Preferred Candidacy for Armenian President
Owing to absence of healthy competition at the political arena of the country the outcome of parliamentary election is predetermined in principle, stated Armenian President's Advisor Garnik Isagulyan October 28. In his words, many political forces of Armenia never managed to understand that the political opposition, political dialogue and political dispute should be aimed at solving certain political issues, not against specific personalities. Thereupon, he said only parties having clearly worked out program for development of the country will appear at the Parliament.

According to the estimates of the President's Advisor, the political situation available will have a negative impact on the elections, as the losers will «again sing the song of illegitimacy,» trying to justify their own idleness. Touching upon presidential elections, he remarked that incumbent Defense Minister of Armenia Serge Sargsyan is the most preferred candidacy for the President upon expiration of Robert Kocharian's tenure, as he is the most prepared political figure, reports IA Regnum.