September 29, 2015 - 10:43 AMT
Writer Mark Millar wants Colin Firth back for “Kingsman” sequel

Director Matthew Vaughn announced that "Kingsman: The Secret Service 2" was officially in the works back in June. Regardless of the plot of the first movie, comic book creator/writer Mark Millar wanted Colin Firth's Harry Hart back for the sequel, AceShowbizreports.

"That's the conversation everyone's having right now, because part of what made that movie work is Colin," Millar said. "Colin's fantastic, it was a two-hander, that film. You also want to have the integrity of the story, so if you are bringing him back, it has to make sense."

"That's where it is at at the moment. Bits of the story have been done. Matthew and Jane [Goldman] are working on it at the moment. Some things have to be worked out, some decisions have still to be made and everything, so it's all fairly amorphous, but all going well," he added.

Millar might not be the only person who wanted to bring back the key character. Although people were uncertain that Firth could make an outstanding performance in action movie, he obviously stole the show after all. However, it won't be easy to include him in the sequel.

[SPOILER ALERT!] In "Kingsman: The Secret Service", the English super spy died before the movie ended. There is always a possibility of the character appearing in a flashback or as a ghost, but Millar remained silent about that. "The guys have a plan. I can't spoil it just now because the final decision is still to be made," he stated.

Meanwhile, Vaughn had a different point of view about bringing back Hart. Although he also wanted Firth to return for the role, he made it clear that he wanted the sequel to focus on Eggsys' (Taron Egerton) story and was optimistic that the actor could carry the film on his own.