November 3, 2006 - 13:03 AMT
Development of Cooperation with China a Priority to Armenia Foreign Policy
November 2 recurrent inter-departmental consultations of Armenian and Chinese MFAs were held in Beijing, reports the Press Office of the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). During the visit the Armenian delegation, led by Deputy FM Armen Bayburdyan met with Chinese FM Li Zhaoxing. Welcoming the guests, Li Zhaoxing appreciated the progress in bilateral relations during past years. He noted that stable atmosphere of political confidence is established between the parties and bilateral cooperation evolves dynamically in all fields, including trade, economy, chemical industry, agriculture, culture, science, education and others. In his turn Mr. Bayburdyan noted that development of bilateral relations with China is a priority to Armenia's foreign policy.

During inter-departmental consultations the same day the parties discussed the spectrum of the Armenian-Chinese relations, outlined prospective fields of bilateral cooperation, as well as discussed effective actions to enhance interaction in various fields.