October 10, 2015 - 10:27 AMT
Google buys “entire alphabet” for partner company

Google was unable to secure alphabet.com for its new parent company, so it's bought the entire alphabet instead... sort of, Digital Spy reports.

The web giant has just registered the most long-winded domain name on the internet - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com, according to Domaininvesting.com.

With parent company Alphabet currently based at abc.xyz, Google now owns one of the longest, and one of the shortest URLs in cyberspace.

Meanwhile, Google faces an uphill struggle convincing BMW to part with alphabet.com or U.S. news network ABC to offload abc.com.

Perhaps the firm should spend more time keeping a watchful eye on the domain names it already owns, since google.com was recently sold off in error for just $12.

The recipient was an MBA student named Sanmay Ved, who became a Google overlord for all of 60 seconds before the gaffe was spotted.