October 16, 2015 - 02:59 AMT
Haypost, Converse Bank launch ShopInAmerica promotion “7 + 7”

Haypost and Converse Bank announced the launch of their joint ShopInAmerica promotion “7 + 7”. During the months of October and November customers that use their Converse Bank cards to pay for the shopping from U.S. online stores and the subsequent transportation from USA to Armenia through ShopInAmerica will receive 7% CashBack on purchase of goods and 7% discount on shipping from the U.S. to Armenia.

ShopInAmerica is a brand new platform which grants the residents of Armenia possibility to obtain a postal address in the United States and is the easiest, most economical and fastest way to purchase goods online in U.S. and receive them directly in the cities and villages of Armenia, even in the most remote rural areas.

In the frame of CashBack project Converse Bank cardholders pay the whole amount for their purchases and receive back 7% of the amount (up to 20.000 AMD) on their Converse Bank card in the first half of the next month.