November 20, 2006 - 13:23 AMT
Kocharian and Aliyev Will Drink Cup of Tea and Part, Azeri Political Scientist Says
One should not expect any new proposals from the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group to the region, Azeri President's ex-advisor on external relations, political scientist Vafa Guluzade said. In his words, all their proposals as well the positions of the states are well known. "President Ilham Aliyev during his recent visit to Turkey reiterated that he will never approve a settlement variant with Nagorno Karabakh beyond Azerbaijan. The illusions the publics bound with the visit of the Co-chairs are ungrounded. I think that the mediators representing Russia, U.S. and France having no connection with the leadership of these states are playing their own game. They perfectly realize that the settlement process is rather hopeless at the current stage to let the leadership deal with the issue. That is why, in my opinion, the optimistic statements of the U.S. Co-chair Bryza are mere speculation and the activities of the mediators are just a show," Guluzade said. At that he added the upcoming meeting of the Presidents is 'absolutely senseless'. In his words, the President will just drink a cup of tea and part. When asked of hope for the soonest settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement Vafa Guluzade said, "There is hope and it's bound with the further enlargement of NATO towards the Caucasus and decline of the Russian Empire. And these times are not far away. The rise in prices for oil is not eternal. The United States upon getting out of the Iraqi crisis will set about Russia," reports