November 23, 2006 - 13:34 AMT
Ethnic Crimes: Myth or Reality Conference Scheduled in Moscow
«Can an individual nationality be labeled as criminal? Does «ethnic crime» exist? Who benefits from ethnic stereotypes that are enemy images? Why do politicians, who refer to «ethnic crime», try to promote discriminating laws, thus instigating inter-ethnic discord? Does nationality of the criminal matter for law-enforcers, media and the society?» This and other questions will be answered by the members of the Council of Federation and deputies of the State Duma of Russia, representatives of the President's Administration, Governments of Russia and Moscow, members of the Public Chamber, leaders of political parties, representatives of religious confessions, heads of public unions and national-cultural autonomies, business elite, the scientific and creative intelligentsia. The scientific conference is organized by the all-Russian forum of national and cultural patriotic unions «We the Russians!», Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of Azeris of Russia, Shield and Sword Association for Fighting Corruption and Terrorism. The information support of the event is secured by Agency of Political News, Azerros media holding and Effective Policy Fund of Gleb Pavlovky, reports Trend.