November 20, 2015 - 10:33 AMT
New Islamic State video vows attack on White House

Islamic State militants released a video on Thursday, November 19, threatening the White House with suicide bombings and car blasts and vowing to conduct more attacks on France, Reuters reports.

The six-minute video released by Islamic State fighters in Iraq applauds last week's Paris attacks, according to a translation of the Arabic provided by the Maryland-based SITE Intelligence Group.

The latest threat comes one day after the militant group put out a video showing scenes of New York City, which suggested it was also a target.

FBI Director James Comey said on Thursday he was not aware of any credible threat of a "Paris-type attack" in the United States.

State Department spokesman John Kirby told CNN that Thursday's video was being examined to determine its "veracity." "Everybody here in the United States government are taking these threats seriously," he said.

The video opens with television news clips of the Paris attacks and then shows two militants separately speaking to the camera.

Titled "Paris Before Rome," the video shows an Islamic State fighter threatening to "pound" French monuments and vowing to strike at the White House.

"We will blow it up, the same as we blew up the idols in this good land," one fighter says, referring to the White House.

The second fighter threatens U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande. "We will grill them ... with (explosive) belts and car bombs."