November 24, 2015 - 10:34 AMT
Bitwalking app pays people to walk

If the promise of being able to fit into your latest pair of designer jeans isn't enough incentive to get you exercising, maybe bribery will do the trick.

A new app that pays people for doing nothing more than walking is in testing, giving users the chance to help the environment, keep fit, and make a bit of cash on the side, Digital Spy reports.

Bitwalking for smartphones pays users in a digital currency called BW$, which can be spent in an online store or exchanged for real cash.

The app is being heralded as a game changer in impoverished countries, where money-making opportunities are often scarce and walking is the primary means of getting around.

Although there is no official exchange rate for BW$, BBC News reports that an IT teacher in Malawi is making up to 26 BW$ per month off the app.

"It's a currency that can be earned by anyone regardless of who they are and where they live," said Bitwalking founder Franky Imbesi.

"For some it will be a free cup of coffee a week perhaps offered by local businesses to encourage people to explore their local shops. For others it could be a game changer, transforming their lives by enabling them to earn and trade in the same way with the rest of the world."

Taking 10,000 steps will earn you 1 BW$ once you've downloaded the app, trial invites for which can be requested via the Bitwalking website.

Photo: Bitwalking