November 28, 2006 - 17:39 AMT
Kocharian, Aliyev and Putin Will Probably Agree on New Meeting of Same Format
The meeting of Armenian and Azeri leaders over Nagorno Karabakh is of most interest among bilateral summits in Minsk, to say nothing of the possible Russia-Georgia meeting. The Kocharian-Aliyev meeting will be held «under the auspices» of Vladimir Putin. As the Commersant writes, «Public in Yerevan does not conceal that Kocharian goes to Minsk for the sake of that meeting.» «Public in Baku say that the meeting may have results, «if Putin puts pressure on Kocharian.» If it is the case, according to Azeri experts, Aliyev may agree with expected Moscow's demand of Baku not to assist Georgia in gas and electricity supplies,» the article author believes.

However, in the opinion of the edition, the Azeri President is no less concerned over Russian Government latest decision to reduce the number of foreigners in retail trade, which threatens to hundreds of thousand Azeri traders. "All these problems will probably not be solved in Minsk today and the three Presidents will most likely agree over a new meeting of the same format in Moscow," the newspaper writes.