December 8, 2006 - 15:04 AMT
Rwandan President Accused French President of Assisting Tutsi Genocide
"Current French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin was among those French officials who were assisting the Rwandan genocide," stated Paul Kogame, President of Rwanda. "There are some French officials who were immediately involved in massacres of Tutsi, among those is the current French Prime Minister, who was the director of French Foreign Ministry in those times." Kogame said. It is worth mentioning that at the end of November Rwanda broke diplomatic relations with France, after a French judge accused Kogame of murdering country's ex-president. After the death of Rwandan ex-president the Tutsi genocide started. Kogame denies any connection with the death of his predecessor, in his part accusing France in active assistance to the genocide. "France helped those who committed genocide, armed them and took part in the struggle with those powers which aimed at preventing the genocide," noted Kogame. Meanwhile French Foreign Affairs Press Secretary denied Kogame's accusations and said that in those times France had mobilized the international community for assisting the victims of the genocide. Paul Kogame belongs to Titsi. He is held in high respect among the Tutsi since his "Patriotic Front Of Rwanda" gorilla army defeated Hutu, RFE/RL reports.