January 19, 2016 - 11:39 AMT
Music Box Films acquires “Ice and the Sky” Cannes documentary

Music Box Films has acquired North American rights to climate change documentary “Ice and the Sky” and plans a second quarter release, Variety reports.

“Ice and the Sky,” which was the closing night film at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, centers on Claude Lorius who, over the course of multiple expeditions to Antarctica, pioneered the study of ice cores to identify and understand the human impact on global warming. He began researching in Antarctica in 1957 by measuring carbon dioxide bubbles in ice (some of it 800,000 years old) and was among the first scientists to make the case for global warming.

The film is directed by Luc Jacquet, who won an Oscar for “March of the Penguins.”

“Luc Jacquet is a proven documentarian with an eye for finding the narrative in nature,” said Music Box Films’ president William Schopf. “With ‘Ice and the Sky,’ he’s introduced the world to a man many may not know but whose work has undeniably impacted the planet’s future. He’s gifted us a historical record of a life and body of work that won’t soon be forgotten.”

“Ice and the Sky” was produced by Richard Grandpierre and Jerome Seydoux. Eskwad and Wild-Touch Prods. are the production companies in co-production with Pathe and Kering, with the participation of OCS. Frederic Doniguian is the executive producer. Co-producers are Roman Le Grand and Vivien Aslanian.

Music Box handled the U.S. release of mountain-climbing documentary “Meru,” which received nominations from the Directors Guild of America, Producers Guild of America and the Spirit Awwards.

The deal was negotiated by Schopf with Carole Baraton at Wild Bunch International Sales.