January 27, 2016 - 13:54 AMT
Faroe rolls out new video “Blast”

After finding fame with Bella Union's Concrete Knives, guitarist Corentin has gone it alone under the moniker of Faroe - and it's pretty astonishing. Gigwise was the first to unveil 'Blast'.

Released in the summer and quickly clocking up thousands of listens, 'Blast' builds elements of minimalist electro-pop-noir until a towering opulence of intricate sounds stands tall. The video, created by Elliot Martin, is the perfect, beautiful visual representation of that, Gigwise said.

“When I started writing songs for this EP, I was at a turning point in my life and the meaning the lyrics carry was essential to me, they were words that needed to be said and words that needed to be heard," says Faroe of the record. "I hope some people will find comfort and confidence in them, because I did."

Photo: Press