January 9, 2007 - 15:28 AMT
Karabakh Proved It will Follow Democratic Principles in Future
Among international reactions over the process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement can be underlined two statements made by G8 and OSCE Ministerial Council on July and November, says the annual report on Armenia's foreign activity during 2006. The document underlines that 'during the OSCE MC meeting in Brussels EU's statement was made public. The international community expressed its support to OSCE MG in the issue of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, at the same time urging the sides not to miss the opportunity to reach a progress. The statement also highly estimates the current stage of talks under the aegis of OSCE MG calling upon the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia to double the efforts for coordinating the basic principles.

Azerbaijan and Armenian have signed the Action Plan with EU in Brussels on November, which supposes that the peaceful solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is a priority driven direction, and EU's contribution to that process is scheduled through a number of measures.

The NKR people, as a free way of expressing its will, during the December nation-wide referendum voted for adopting the Constitution of Karabakh. The responsibility of the NKR people to strengthen the bases of independent statehood once again proved that in future the Karabakh people will follow democratic principles and values, remaining bound up the goals to peacefully solve the conflict according to the principles of international law.

Despite the reached progress in 'Prague Process' and the obligations of the sides on continuing the talks, Azerbaijan during 2006 performed efforts to pass the Nagorno Karabakh problem into other international structures (particularly the inclusion of 'frozen conflicts' in the agenda of 61st of UN General Assembly by GUAM's initiative), speculations in UN and CoE Parliamentary Assembly over fire problems in Karabakh and adjacent territories. Baku also continued to make military statements, which contradict the spirit of the talks."