January 10, 2007 - 14:29 AMT
John Evans: "My statement on Armenian Genocide was not a Slip of the Tongue"
John Evans's, US previous ambassador to Armenia statement on the Armenian Genocide 'was not a slip of the tongue', stated John Evans himself in the interview to the Los Angeles Times. "I knew it was not the policy of the United States to use the word 'genocide'. But ninety years is a long time and at some point you have to call a spade a spade," said John Evans. It is worth mentioning that the diplomat departed from Armenian on September and last month officially left the State Department. In his words, by July 2005, it was absolutely clear that he would be forced out. It is worth mentioning that during his meeting with San Francisco Armenian Diaspora on February 19, 2005 John Evans said, "Today I'll call it Armenian Genocide." Later, on February 28, 2005, speaking in US Embassy to Armenia, Evans wanted to introduce clarity into his February 19 statement. "I used the word 'genocide', which reflects personally my, John Evans's viewpoint, and not of a political figure." he said.