January 10, 2007 - 15:46 AMT
Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline under Test
The main construction works on the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline are over. And currently trials and tests are conducted on the pipeline. These procedures will be finished till April-March in the current year. Construction on the Iranian and Armenian portions of the pipeline has been carried out by Iranian contractors. It is worth mentioning that the pipeline, which connects Armenia with Iran, has 700 millimeter section and 1.2 billion cubic meter capacity per year. The total length makes 115 kilometers, 40 of which is on the Armenian territory. During the first period the capacity of exporting gas will make 1.1 billion cubic meters, and beginning from 2019-2.3 billion. The treaty is signed for 20 years and supposes exchange of Iranian gas with electric energy from Armenia. For every cubic meter of gas Armenia must return 3 kilowatts of electric power. It is worth mentioning that the 40-kilometer portion of the pipeline in the Armenian territory is estimates $35 million, 80% of which the Armenian side has credited from Iranian Bank of Development. The rest has covered Armenia from its reserve means, IA Regnum reports.