January 16, 2007 - 16:05 AMT
Armenia Will Not Be Left without Internet
"Georgian Joint Telecommunication Company" and the group of companies, which own the fiber-optic cable that connects Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, reached an agreement. Financial director of GJTC Iva Martiashvili states that the company refuses from its intention to dismantle the cable, which is placed in the GJTC's canals. Through that cable information is being transferred to Internet operators in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The sides could reach a compromise, but the sum of payment is not made public alluding to commerce secret, Kavkaz.memo.ru reports.

It is worth mentioning that GJTC threatened to block access for users in Armenia and Azerbaijan, particularly to stop supplying the cable, which belongs to 'Fopnet' company. This decision is explained by debts to GJTS totally GEL 3. 000. 000 (about $ 1 755 000). The matter is about 130-km fiber-optic cable, which stretches under the Black Sea from Russian Novorossisk to Georgian Poti connecting Russia with Armenia and Azerbaijan.