January 18, 2007 - 16:40 AMT
Freedom House: Armenia Again is Recognized as 'Partially Free' State
According to the annual report of 'Freedom House' organization, Armenia has entered the group of partially free states. As director of the organization Chris Walker stated, Armenia is one of the weakest countries in this group and has closely approached the boundary, which share 'partially free' and 'not free' states. "It is a reflection of weak indexes in a number of important spheres, particularly, the situation in the Media, the possibilities of citizens to participate in political processes," stated Chris Walker to RFE RL. According to Freedom House, in the countries, which are included in the 'partially free' category, political freedoms and civil rights are not provided fully. Besides, here most often exist atmosphere of corruption, on the background of pluralism predominates one political party, the attributes, which are peculiar to jural state, are weak. Among tendencies, which lately evoke concerns in Armenia, Chris Walker underlined the activation of oligarchs. At the same time he added that Freedom House will closely watch the coming parliamentarian elections.

Meanwhile, Freedom House has recognized Turkey and Georgia also as 'partially free' states. But unlike Armenia, these countries in the sphere of organizing electoral processes have made a step forward. Turkey and Georgia currently are in the list of 'electoral democracy'. The experts of organization think that Azerbaijan in the issue of Media freedom experiences regress, and President Ilham Aliev's pressure on the Media is being strengthened. The situation in Azerbaijan is much more lamentable, and this country is included in the category of 'non free' states, as well as Iran and Russia.