February 22, 2016 - 18:35 AMT
Astronauts testing VR headsets in space

Virtual reality is taking off - literally. Astronauts are testing Microsoft's HoloLens aboard the International Space Station, Digital Spy reports.

The project, called Sidekick, helps the crews with work on repairs, saving them the strain of going through a manual.

They are also given support by those back on Earth over Skype, with voice direction and note drawing, as well as animated visuals.

However, at the moment this would only be practical while in orbit around the Earth, as interplanetary delays can be minutes long.

ISS astronaut Scott Kelly posted the above picture of himself wearing HoloLens on the International Space Station over the weekend.

In other VR news, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently argued that the format will be "the most social platform".