January 29, 2007 - 14:08 AMT
Serge Sargsyan: we deserved right to existence equally with other nations
Formation of the army may be compared with an epos. No personality can create an epos, since it's being created by the people in the course of centuries, an episode by episode, describing heroic and tragic pages of their history, using their talent, wishes and power of imagination. The same refers to the army, RA Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan said at a solemn event dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Armenian Army formation.

"At the beginning of last century we fell victims on our own land. We were weak and broken up. At the end of the 20th century we were gifted a possibility to revive and, fortunately, we took it. We did not launch the Karabakh war. It was imposed on us by our neighbors. We one again understood that it's a futile business to cry and beg for justice. We had to deserve the right to existence equally with other nations. And we won it not being ready for a war. Our steps were not adjusted; the outlook was vague. We were forced to get stuck in that war," he said.

"The spirit of our people was high and firm, however the war dictates its own rules and it was impossible to win hoping for the spirit only. Special attention is paid to equipment and military art during a modern war. Well-coordinated structure and discipline are essential for victory. Formation of a national army is a necessity dictated by the unity of people's ideology. It was accompanied by hardships, pain and selflessness. However, the army was formed," the Defense Minister resumed.