March 18, 2016 - 19:39 AMT
Nintendo's 1st smartphone app Miitomo gets a trailer

If you're still unclear about what exactly Nintendo's first smartphone app is all about, then this new trailer should shed some light, Digital Spy said.

“Miitomo is out now in Japan, but it should be winging its way to these shores by the end of the month.

By the looks of the trailer, it shares one or two things in common with bonkers 3DS release Tomodachi Life, which came out back in 2014.

The silly voices definitely sound the same, not to mention the wacky questions and the customisation elements,” Digital Spy said.

Miitomo is more social experience than game. Once you've created your Mii, it will ask a bunch of questions - your favoured hobbies, whether you believe in aliens - and match you with other users to possibly chat with.

Players will be able to fully customise their Mii characters, dressing them up in shorts, trousers, hats and a whole host of other accessories.

The game also pairs up with the newly launched My Nintendo reward scheme, which is also available in Japan.

Members will receive gold coins for buying new games and platinum coins for creating an account, interacting with it and playing Miitomo.

The coins can be used to nab new games for free or at a discounted price.