February 7, 2007 - 17:47 AMT
RA Defense Ministry should become more civilian
The seminar titled "Military reform in Armenia: providing of Defense Ministry with civil personnel and introduction of amendments in the law On Defense" has been successfully completed, RA Deputy Defense Minister, lieutenant general Artur Aghabekyan said in Yerevan today. In his words, an action plan on the armed forces reform was elaborated. "We concluded that the RA Defense Ministry should become more civilian. To do this it's necessary to divide the functions of the Ministry itself and the General Staff, which is a military structure presently. Reformation of the law On Defense is a priority task for Armenia. Proceeding from the discussions held we can issue a new law that would answer the demands of the state that has chosen a democratic path of development," the he said.

The general lieutenant also noted that this year Armenia will take part in more than 100 NATO-initiated events. Another seminar with participation of experts of the George C. Marshall Fund will be held in late 2007.