February 8, 2007 - 15:40 AMT
Currently Armenian Genocide issue too politicized
"Hrant Dink's death became a loss not only for the Armenian nation, but also for Turkey itself and the whole world. It influenced even on Americans," said to a press conference in Yerevan AAA (Armenian Assembly of America) Regional Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Arpi Vartanian. She reminded that two resolutions have been introduced in the U.S. Congress, which condemn Dink's assassination: one by senator Biden the other by congressman Crowley. "American nation could be unaware of the Armenian Genocide, but Hrant Dink's assassination learnt everyone. I strongly believe his death was not in vain," stressed the AAA Regional Director.

Alongside, she underlined currently the Armenian Genocide issue is too politicized. "Turkey uses this opportunity in order to exert pressure on the Unites States making it refuse to adopt the 106th resolution. During the meeting between Turkish foreign minister and U.S. State Secretary this question was under discussion. Really, the adoption of this resolution can influence on American-Turkish relations and I do not think that the current White House administration will do it. But we cannot exclude the possibility to adopt the resolution by democratic majority," Vartanian underscored.