April 13, 2016 - 11:20 AMT
Karabakh soldier wounded in Azerbaijan’s ceasefire violations

The operational situation remained unchanged on the line of contact between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan on the night of April 12-13.

Azeri troops continued violating the ceasefire agreement, shooting from various caliber firearms, also using sniper rifles and grenade launchers.

Overall, 106 ceasefire violations by the Azerbaijani side were registered in the reporting period.

To stabilize the situation, the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army frontline units retaliated 23 times.

A Karabakh serviceman was wounded in the Azeri cesefire deal violations.

The Nagorno Karabakh forces continue carefully watching the developments on the contact line, retaliating when necessary.

The parties to the Karabakh conflict agreed on a bilateral cessation of fire along the contact line which came into force at midday, April 5.

Prior to that, on the night of April 1-2, Azerbaijani armed forces initiated overt offensive operations in the southern, southeastern and northeastern directions of the line of contact with Nagorno Karabakh.

The Armenian side has suffered 75 fatalities, 122 more were wounded.

As of April 5, the Azerbaijani side has lost 26 tanks and 4 infantry fighting vehicles, as well as 1 BM-21 Grad multipl e rocket launcher, 1 engineering vehicle, 2 military helicopters and 14 unmanned aerial vehicles. The Azerbaijani side has admitted the loss of 31 fighters, 1 helicopter and 1 unmanned drone, whereas the Armenian side's photo and video materials show dozens of killed Azerbaijani troops, 1 helicopter and 3 UAVs. Opposition media outlets, however, reported on the death of 95 Azerbaijani soldiers, stating that 39 more have been wounded. According to Karabakh authorities, 300 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed in clashes.

14 Karabakh tanks have been neutralized since April 2.

Read also:At least 400 Azerbaijani fatalities registered since April 2: Bellingcat