February 20, 2007 - 13:44 AMT
PACE mission on cultural monuments to visit Armenia and Azerbaijan in May
The PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) mission on cultural monuments will visit the Southern Caucasus in May of 2007, said Edward O'Hara, reporter on cultural heritage of PACE Commission for science, education and culture. He said the visit of mission scheduled for autumn of last year did not took place because of weather conditions, and they decided to fulfil that visit till summer. E. O'Hara underlined the members of mission have not coordinated a lot of issues yet. "The mission under my supervision is not dealing with policy but historical-cultural monuments and their states. I never make political statements. Just the opposite, I am trying to separate policy from culture," he stressed, APA reports.

The PACE mission is going to examine the Armenian cemetery in Old Djugha in Nakhichevan, barbarously destroyed by Azeris, as well as other monuments on territories of Armenia and Azerbaijan.