April 28, 2016 - 10:53 AMT
U.S. wants Karabakh peace process "up and running as soon as possible"

The U.S. was initially encouraged that a fragile ceasefire in Nagorno Karabakh appeared to be holding, but obviously tensions remain on the ground, a Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, Mark C. Toner told a press briefing on Wednesday, April 27.

"The Secretary has reached out to leaders of both countries, Azerbaijan and Armenia," Toner said.

"Our chairman of the Minsk Group – co-chair, rather – has visited the region. We have remained in contact with both governments, all sides in this conflict, and our message has been consistent, which is that we condemn in the strongest possible terms any violence along the Nagorno Karabakh line of conflict and we need to see the peace process back up and running and as soon as possible."

"There is no military solution to the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh," Toner added.