March 6, 2007 - 18:49 AMT
Unlike Turkey, Armenia does not seek to lecture American lawmakers
Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian met with U.S. Assistant Undersecretary of State and U.S. Minsk Group Co-Chair Matthew Bryza, the RA Press Office reports. They discussed issues concerning the upcoming meeting between Armenian and Azeri FMs in Geneva on March 14 in the framework of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process.

At the meeting with the co-chairs of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, Minister Oskanian outlined the broad U.S.-Armenia agenda,  and ways in which Congress can play a role. During the meeting, the Armenian Genocide issue was also discussed. In referring to the pending Genocide reaffirmation resolution, the Minister explained, "The Armenian government, in contrast to the leadership in Ankara, does not seek to lecture elected American officials on this core human rights issue. Sadly, the Turkish government continues to export its policy of genocide denial, seeking to impose upon the U.S. and other nations the very intolerance that inspired Section 301 and led to the murder of journalist Hrant Dink. This should not be tolerated by any individual or any country. The Armenian government has faith in the American democratic process and respects the integrity of U.S. Congressional decision-making."