March 14, 2007 - 19:53 AMT
Talks slow to move, despite existing groundwork
Armenia's Foreign Minister, Vartan Oskanian, concluded a regular meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, together with the Azerbaijani FM, in Geneva, reports the RA MFA press office. This meeting followed a recent visit to the region by French co-chair Bernard Fassier, who, on behalf of the other two co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov of Russia, and Matthew Bryza of the U.S., attempted to ascertain the positions of the two presidents, in the run-up to this meeting of foreign ministers. Minister Oskanian said, "The talks were slow to move, despite the existing groundwork, as attempt was made to discuss second-layer details pertaining to the principles in the document. Although there is clearer understanding of each other's positions, one thing is evident that there are deep differences. We believe that there can still be enough progress to warrant a meeting of the presidents, and for that reason we agreed to another meeting in April."

The Minister explained that Armenia remains committed to the principles in the document that is being negotiated. Although there are many secondary issues outstanding still, the principles contained in the document address the fundamental issues with the right trade-offs, that could lead to a lasting resolution.