March 15, 2007 - 15:26 AMT
Kavkaz-Poti ferry to function at the beginning of April
The first run of Kavkaz-Poti train-ferry is scheduled for the beginning of April, 2007. The Armenian Ministry of Transport and Communication reported the train-ferry communication will launch as soon as after test works finish. In the mid of February owner of the train-ferry, Chairman of "Rezerv Capital Corporation" Hakim Matchanov stated in Yerevan that the ferry-train will be floated March 1 and put in commission March 15.

Two train-ferries will work in Kavkaz-Poti direction, which will have runs two times a week. Each of them has capacity of 50 train carriages, but most likely additional 340 containers or 86 truck will be loaded on them. Most probably, the loading period of the ferry-trains, which are of 50 meters length and 22 meters wide, will last an hour, while 8-12 hours were needed to load other types of train-ferries. It is expected that thorough these two train-ferries over 120 thousand tons of goods will be imported into Armenia, and 12 thousand tons of goods exported from Armenia, IA Regnum reports.