March 20, 2007 - 14:48 AMT
"Echo": Regional "gas war" started
Iran-Armenia gas pipeline (IA) was put in commission March 19 and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum (BTE) gas pipeline will be launched March 25. Still during construction works of BTE analysts underlined that the pipeline, which stretches from Azeri "Shahdeniz" main filed, can serve as an additional and alternative way to Russian supplies and a reliable channel of supplying the Old World with natural gas. Azeri newspaper "Echo" reports that completion of IA pipeline also aroused a number of discussions. According to analysts, Iran that has vast resources of gas would hardly participate in financing of such an expensive project like construction of the pipeline, only to supply Armenia with "blue fuel". Analysts say, it is not excluded that Iran wants to use IA pipeline for entering transporting channels of Georgia and then to the European market. According to other estimations, Iran, which can fully use BTE pipeline for these purposes, is already an all-sufficient country, and it is unlikely that the Islamic Republic plans to deliver gas resources to Europe. In any case a real "gas war" starts for supplying Europe with gas resources, say Azeri analysts.