June 16, 2016 - 10:07 AMT
Turkey's Erdogan says EU visa liberalization still possible

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, June 15 he believed it was possible to achieve a positive outcome on EU visa liberalization, which would take into account Turkey's stance on fighting terrorism, Reuters reports.

"I believe we can get a positive result on this issue which would take into consideration Turkey's sensitivity about the struggle with terrorism," Erdogan said in a speech to ambassadors in the capital Ankara.

A deal to give Turks visa-free travel to Europe in return for stemming the flow of migrants to the bloc has been held up by a disagreement over Turkey's anti-terror laws, which some in Europe see as too broad. Turkey says its needs the law to fight multiple security threats.

Erdogan also reiterated that EU membership was a strategic goal for Turkey, Reuters says.