March 24, 2007 - 14:14 AMT
Karabakh problem is possible to solve only in atmosphere of mutual confidence
During the coming several months it will be impossible to create such an atmosphere, which would benefit the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, NKR President Arkadi Ghukassian told a press conference in Yerevan after meeting with EU's Special Representative in South Caucasus Peter Semneby. He said, there are certain advances in the Karabakh conflict settlement process, which cannot be considered as ideal variants for NKR, "though a certain progress is being noticed".

"The Nagorno Karabakh conflict is possible to solve only in the atmosphere of mutual confidence, which currently we do not see in relations of conflicting parties, moreover the hostile propaganda first of all by the Azeri side continues. Such an approach of Azeri authorities cannot be viewed constructive. If we are maximum constructive and Azerbaijan destructive, then naturally the problem will remain unsolved," Ghukassian underscored, "Novosti-Armenia" reports.