June 20, 2016 - 10:27 AMT
Apple won't let you delete pre-installed iPhone apps

When it was announced that the new iOS 10 would finally let you delete Apple's pre-installed apps, the world rejoiced - we could finally be rid of the apps we never used. The celebration turned out to be short lived, sadly as it turns out you can't fully delete the apps, but only hide them, Digital Spy said.

Apple's senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi said in a Daring Fireball podcast, that the apps could be hidden, but not 100% deleted.

Even if you officially 'delete' the pre-installed apps, they will still technically be on the phone.

“The pre-installed apps take up 150MB of space, which isn't a huge amount, but still a bit annoying if the apps go unused.

But you should be aware that hiding the apps does stop some features.

For example, if you 'delete' the Calendar app, Siri will not be able to add an event to the Calendar, as it will be hidden.

But don't worry if you hastily delete an app in anger - iOS 10 will still give you the option to restore it.

It's also good news for updates. As the pre-installed apps are no longer part of the core operating system, they can be updated regularly through the App Store.

All this comes before the launch of the new iPhone 7,” Digital Spy said.