April 3, 2007 - 19:13 AMT
Mamedyarov: Parties in Karabakh conflict must continue talks
The parties in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict must continue talks to coincide their stances, Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov stated to journalist in Baku today. Speaking about the last meeting between Armenian and Azeri FMs held in Geneva on March, E. Mamedyarov underlined that the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs offered Armenian and Azeri FMs "to meet once again, to one more time specify positions", which currently is under discussion.

The Azeri Foreign Minister said the international mediators offer to hold one more meeting between FMs till parliamentarian elections in Armenia scheduled for mid May. Most likely the Co-Chairs consider it necessary to organize one more meeting in order to continue the process right after elections, he added, "ANS" reports.