July 20, 2016 - 13:32 AMT
Serj Tankian reacts to armed police station seizure in Armenia’s capital

System of a Down vocalist Serj Tankian urged Armenians to figure out a way out of the post-Soviet corrupt hierarchy in the country.

Following a host of gruesome events that took place throughout the world in recent days, including the armed police station takeover in Yerevan, Tankian in a Fecbook post expressed concern over the world which “seems to be spinning out of control all over the planet.”

“Reason seems to have taken a back seat to xenophobia, extremism and fanatical thinking and action. Killings of unarmed black males in the U.S., targeted assassinations of police in response, an illegal overhaul of a whole part of society in Turkey supposedly in response to the coup attempt, heavy handed police roundups by police in Armenia of civic leaders in response to an armed police station takeover, civilian killings in France, Belgium, Germany and elsewhere by so called Isis sympathizers- as the list goes on and on,” he said.

“I guess environmental catastrophic warnings are not enough to temper our animalistic idiocracy. One thing is clear-civilization in its current form has run its course. We desperately need to figure out how to handle the human disease of violence toward one another.”

“In the U.S. we need to see a culture of change from violent unilateral action to serving justice starting with police incriminations of those responsible for heinous crimes. In Turkey we need to assert the voices for progressive change against the dogmatic perversions of Erdogan's regime and in Armenia we need to figure out a way out of the post-Soviet corrupt hierarchy that has ruled/ruined the country since its independence. Culture, empathy, and equality driven by the majority will always win especially in a climate of economic egalitarianism. Another dark day in history can be subverted by intellect, temperance and justice,” Tankian added.

An armed group seized a police HQ and took everyone inside hostage. They are members of the Sasna Tsrer movement. One police officer was killed, and three more were wounded in a shootout that broke as the members of the group hit the gates of the police department with a Ural track. Several captives have been set free so far. The group demand the release of Jirair Sefilian, the founder of the Founding Parliament who was arrested on June 20, as he and a group of people had planned to seize premises and communication facilities, including the Yerevan TV tower.