May 2, 2007 - 18:48 AMT
Armenian Genocide is an open wound but not tool of pressure on Turkey
"Turkish Prime Minster Erdogan and his AK party had the opportunity to put their principles of religious tolerance and honest government into practice. Instead, they have followed the traditional nationalist political path of blaming other people and groups to divert attention from reality," Van Krikorian, Co-chair of the Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC) said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net.

"The Armenian Genocide is an open wound; we do not talk about it to harm Turkey. To the contrary, we believe that Turkey needs to come to terms with its past if it is to be honest with its people and help them to a better future. Lately, Turkey has called for the creation of a joint commission to divert attention from dealing honestly with Turkish Armenian relations. Yet, we went through the three years Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission process, and Turkey has not implemented the recommendations to the concerned governments—that failure is what is doing harm to Turkey," he said.

  • Full text of the interview