May 10, 2007 - 15:33 AMT
Shushi liberation was crucial in Karabakh national liberation war
Shushi was liberated by soldiers, people of Karabakh and volunteers from Armenia and other states, first commander of the NKR armed forces, the deviser of the Shushi liberation plan Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (Commandos) told reporters in Shushi.

"The liberation of Shushi strengthened the belief in victory over the enemy excelling in number and armament. We delivered a smashing moral and psychological blow on the enemy who could not overcome the syndrome of defeat till the end of the war," he underscored.

The military operation for liberation of Shushi was approved April 27 and launched May 8, 1992. Military experts describe the operation as almost irreproachable. It became crucial for the Artsakhi national liberation war.

With the liberation of Shushi all Azeri weapons emplacements from where Stepanakert was bombed were eliminated. This glorious victory was followed by a military operation for opening the Lachin corridor and running the blockade of Nagorno Karabakh.

A parade dedicated to the 15th anniversary of liberation of Shushi, formation of the NKR Defense Army and 62nd anniversary of Victory in the World War II was held in the Renaissance Square in Stepanakert on May 9. The parade was run by First Deputy Commander of the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army, Major General Movses Hakobyan and was inspected by NKR Defense Minister, Lieutenant General Seyran Ohanyan. Over 1500 military marched in the parade.

Armenian President Robert Kocharian, NKR President Arkady Ghukasian, RA NA Speaker Tigran Torosian, primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, head of the Yerkrapah Union of Volunteers, General Lieutenant Manvel Grigoryan and Generals of the Armenian and NKR armies attended the event.