September 23, 2016 - 13:18 AMT
Samsung already exchanged half of recalled Galaxy Note 7s

A lot of Note 7 owners don't have to sleep with one eye open anymore, according to Samsung's latest press release. The company says it has already exchanged half of the Galaxy Note 7s sold in the US that had been turned in through its voluntary recall program, Engadget said.

Further, 90 percent of the people who went in for the recall apparently asked for replacement Note 7s, which were released on September 21st, instead of getting another model. Samsung made sure those replacement devices are safe, but if you want to know if you really got one that won't blow up, check its battery indicator. The safe Note 7s have green battery indicators, though you might have to download a software update to change its hue.

Unfortunately, Samsung didn't reveal the state of the recall program for other countries. While the device's battery issue only affects a small number of phones, the recall program will have to deal with 2.5 million phones overall. It doesn't want to hear about more cases of devices overheating and setting skin and things on fire, after all. If you haven't exchanged your device yet, get in touch with Samsung or your carrier ASAP wherever you are in the world, Engadget said.