May 15, 2007 - 15:49 AMT
ARF Dashnaktsutyun is not going to "participate in symbolic coalition"
The May 12 parliamentarian elections were a step forward on the way of democratization of the society, they also basically met international standards, representative of ARF Dashnaktsutyun Supreme Body Armen Roustamyan stated to a press conference in Yerevan. Nevertheless, he said authorities failed to prevent bribe of voters and violations during elections. "Despite a number of violations Dashnaktsutyun states that parliamentarian elections in Armenia took place and recognizes its results," Roustamyan said.

As to the possibility of creating a coalition government, Roustamyan said that nobody has turned to the party with such a request yet. "We do not need symbolic coalition, which will be non-constructive. Indeed, we've passed a long way with the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and we do not exclude cooperation. We are ready to cooperate with all parliamentarian parties," he underlined, adding that there exists the practice of single-party government in the world, and most likely the same will happen in Armenia. "Single-party government has its advantages and disadvantages. The whole matter is that only one political force carries the responsibility of all those things, which take place in the country. And it is difficult to predict how much it will succeed," Roustamyan said.