October 8, 2016 - 14:50 AMT
This levitating cloud is actually a Bluetooth speaker

If you take a look outside the window at work, you're probably greeted by an endless stream of grey clouds that send your mood into a deep oblivion. What better way, then, to improve your day than by bringing the clouds inside?

That's right, thanks to a new invention, you can now place a levitating cloud on your desk and drown out the murmuring office with a bevy of forgotten summer anthems, Digital Spy said.

Designer Richard Clarkson, who has already given the world the floating cloud lamp, has now teamed up with Crealev to bring the same cloud-based tech in the form of a speaker.

Called 'Making Weather', the cloud floats over a mirrored, oval base while rotating and seemingly creating a realistically fluffy experience. When it's working through your playlists via a Bluetooth connection, it will also use LED lights to mimic lightning.

As the video shows, the cloud, made from clumps of white polyester fibres, is able to float thanks to magnets housed in both components. Whether it will somehow forge a mind of its own and look to wander outside with the rest of its cloudy brethren remains to be seen, Digital Spy said.

But before you get too excited by the prospect of this futuristic speaker dimming your living room, it's important to note that the invention is currently only in a prototype stage, Digital Spy said.

Photo: YouTube Dezeen