May 21, 2007 - 17:41 AMT
Now Azerbaijan makes claims on CIA
Azerbaijan "is angry at a pro-Armenian mistake committed on the web-site of CIS. Particularly, politicians in Baku "are angry" about an information on Armenia, which indicates that Nagorno Karabakh was handed over to Azerbaijan by Moscow's decision in 1920 and this is an irrefutable historical fact. The information also mentions about 8 400 displaced persons, who returned home in Nagorno Karabakh after the truce in 1994.

Speaker of the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan Jonathan Hennick said, "the information posted on the web-site of CIS is not the reflection of U.S. official stance on the issue". "It is just an information about the history of the region, and we do not claim that the whole information on the site is correct," Hennick stated.

However, Press Officer of the Azeri MFA Khazar Ibrahim stated that the information of CIS is a mistake. "Any kind of information posted on official web-sites must adhere to the common stance that the U.S. government has declared. We shall certainly deal with that issue. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will turn both to the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan and our Embassy in the United States in order to introduce amendments to this incorrect information posted on the web-site of CIS," he said, reports.