June 4, 2007 - 15:56 AMT
Russia won't subsidize economies of former soviet republics any more
Vladimir Putin stated Russia's readiness for integration in the post-soviet space on equal and pragmatic basis. "No one can say that we politicize these issues. We are not going to spend huge sums to subsidize economies of other states. We are ready to develop integration but it will be on an equal basis," the Russian President told reporters from G8 member states.

"Some think we will not defend our interests. But if we want order and international law at the international arena we should respect this law and interests of participants of the international communication," Putin said.

"We have subsidized economies of the former soviet republics for 15 years at expense of cheap energy resources," he said.

"So why should we do it? Where is the logic? We used to allot $3-5 billion to Ukraine annually in the course of 15 years. Who else in the world does it? At that, our moves are not politicized," Putin said.

He reminded that Russia applies unified price formation to all Transcaucasian states. "To Georgia, with which we do not enjoy good political relations; to Armenia, relations with which are excellent and which is our strategic ally," he said.

"Yes, we have heard plenty of uncomplimentary words from our Armenian partners but we managed to come to an agreement. They cannot pay cash, but they pay off with property, with 'live actives'. Everything has been calculated," Mr Putin noted.

Integration in the post-soviet space is highly needed, according to him. "It's convenient not only for the former soviet republics but also for our major partners in Europe and throughout the globe. Its expedience depends on balance and efficiency of our cooperation," the President resumed, Interfax reports.