November 4, 2016 - 13:58 AMT
Islamic State chief Baghdadi has fled Mosul, British intelligence says

The Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has escaped the battle grounds of Iraq'sMosul, British intelligence has claimed, according to The Daily Star.

Coalition troops have hoped to force the IS warlord and other jihadis into a kill zone to try to topple the murderous regime.

But now intelligence sources believe al-Baghdadi might have fled the IS stronghold as Iraqi forces stormed the city on Tuesday, November 1.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: “It is a cruel irony that some of the intelligence we have suggests that the gentleman in question has actually vacated the scene himself and is nonetheless using internet media to encourage people to take part in violence.”

In an audio recording published online by IS, a speaker believed to be al-Baghdadi called on jihadis to "unleash the fire of their anger” and “make their [non-Muslims] blood flow as rivers”.

Addressing parliament, Boris added: “The House can be sure that Daesh will be driven from Mosul – but this is the toughest task that Iraq’s security forces have yet encountered.

“Success will take time.”