November 11, 2016 - 11:02 AMT
Google says Chrome now has 2 billion active users

At a summit on Thursday, November 11, keynote by Chrome Engineering VP Darin Fisher said there are now 2 billion Chrome installs in active use across desktop and mobile, TechCrunch reports.

This is the first time Google has shared this number. Google didn’t announce any new user numbers for Chrome at the Chrome Dev Summit. The latest stat for active Chrome users remains at 1 billion — a number Google shared in April. While this number is surely higher today than it was six months ago, the company decided to focus on the number of active browser install today.

“I wanted to make this point that there are a lot of Chrome browsers out there,” Fisher said. “What’s exciting about this to you all is that when you think about building for the web, there’ a lot of browsers out there that implement the latest web standards — that implement the latest and greatest web features.”

As Google says, it now has seven products with more than a billion users (Gmail, Android, Chrome, Maps, Search, Youtube and the Google Play store).